
Release notes - Version 2.13

Version 2.13 just released. Read more about our newest features!

New in this version of Binsend

  • New question types: number, currency and percentage

When using an open question, you are now able to specify the input you want your customers to provide you with. You can restrict them to only using numbers. The following options have been added:




  • Other option for checkbox and radiobutton questions

Want your customers to be able to add their own answer to a question you're asking them? There now is an ‘add ‘other’’ option for radio button and checkbox questions. The ‘other’ option is optional to use.

General improvements in this version of Binsend

  • Manually set a status back to ‘received’.

Status can be changed from approved  to received, so people can upload files again.

  • See when a client has uploaded files to a workspace.

The ‘last modified’ column now doesn’t only display the date you have made changes to the workspace, but the date will also update when your client has uploaded requested files.

  • New users have a role by default. 

When adding a new user to your organization they get assigned the default ‘user’ role. So they will have the right permissions to use the basic necessities of the portal.

  • Indication that a download will be starting soon

A loading indication that a workspace is downloading is now visible at the top of the screen. You can even navigate to another screen while downloading the workspace.

Bug Fixes in this version of Binsend

  • Status for file requests updates again.

In some cases the status of file request would stay ‘pending’ even when files were uploaded. We have fixed this problem

  • Being able to edit a new template

In some cases you were unable to make any changes to a newly created template. The ‘edit’ toggle is now also added to templates, so you can always edit a template without problems. 

  • Share with individual users of a relationship

Sharing with just one person in a relationship is possible again.

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